It’s packed with flavor. It has a little kick. And the ingredient list is just plain impressive. (It even includes my old nemesis - the banana.)
The sweet: Pineapple, mango, onion, kiwi, papaya, grapefruit, banana, orange juice
The heat: Habanero, jalapeño
Also recommended: Salamander Strawberry Hot Sauce
Salamander Original
Bill Moore reviews Salamander Original
"I'll equate your typical above average hot sauce with going to a rock concert - you walk in, lights go down, you're hit with a wall of sound and think, "Wow, that was awesome," but forget about it by the following week.
I view this sauce as more akin to walking into a Jazz Club at midnight in New Orleans. You walk in, the lights are low and the air is smokey. There's a vibe that becomes part of you and before long, you know it's a night you'll remember forever.
With a full-bodied orange color, there's a depth of flavor and complexity to this sauce that elevates into a one long, smooth spicy finish. It's hot, but the habaneros and jalapenos dance around, instead of encompassing, the other ingredients. This sauce is a winner in my book."
"Salamander Sauce Company’s Original Hot Sauce and it was the favorite of the three Salamander sauces we reviewed. Its deep, smoky flavor was good and its heat level was just enough to keep us coming back. Because of its versatility, we could easily see this hot sauce being used on food items such as pizza, sandwiches, burgers, meatloaves, chicken, and in stews, bisques and chowders. Probably would fare well on eggs and omelets."
Zedalza Network reviews Salamander Sauce!
Salamander Whiskey
Bill Moore reviews Salamander Whiskey
Gently placing the Whiskey Hot Sauce on the front of our tongue, we rolled it to the back and then forward again. A fresh trio of habanero, lime, and ginger took over as we smacked our lips and pushed it against the roof of our mouth. We did not detect the raisin, but did experience a zippy and soda-like carbonation. A touch of sugar sweetened the deal. There was no overpowering trace of whiskey which made sense since it was an infused ingredient.
Heat aka “Numb Bum”
A steady burn lingered across our entire tongue. Additional consumption had us wiping our nose and taking short, quick breaths. thoroughly enjoyed Salamander Sauce Company's decision to increase the heat level this time round. While our stomach was warm, we had no trouble at all digesting this hot sauce hours and a day later. thoroughly enjoyed Salamander Sauce Company’s Whiskey Hot Sauce. Its fresh (and rather interesting) list of ingredients combined with an increased heat level, makes for a welcome addition to Salamander's already successful signature line of hot sauce products. feels the sauce is versatile enough to be used on food items such as chicken, pasta, pizza, sandwiches, burgers, and meatloaves. Probably would fare well on eggs and omelets.
I especially enjoy the aroma of the new offering from Salamander. I immediately detected the sweet aroma of tomatoes and molasses with wispy lime undertones. Truthfully, I tried to draw a whiskey scent from the bottle, but could not discern it singularly.
A small taste was all that was needed to bring forth the essence of the sauce's habanero, lime and raisin elements. The full ingredient list was unveiled in the symphonic waves of a gentle burn that spreads across the tongue and lingers; not in an overpowering manner, but in a steadily building crescendo of hot flavor.
I expected this Whiskey Sauce to taste like whiskey, but it doesn't. Instead, the whiskey infusion works in harmony with each of the other ingredients and compliments the whole, which is the thing I love about Tim's sauces. Their depth of flavor is remarkable.
For me, this is a welcomed addition to the Salamander lineup that now rivals their Tropical Hot Sauce as my personal favorite.
Salamander Tropical
Bill Moore Reviews Salamander Tropical
"There is so much going on here - Pineapple, Mango, Papaya, Kiwi, Banana, Grapefruit, Lime, and Orange are just a few of its ingredients. This cacophony of flavors continuously ebb and flow amidst a vibrant Habanero and Jalapeno undertone, intermingling and dancing within your mouth ending with a long sharp finish on the back of your tongue.
I cannot sing high enough praises for this particular sauce. For me, this is nearly as perfect as a sauce of this type can get."
Zesty and light and full of fruit vigor. The mix of banana, grapefruit, and kiwi were interesting selections in addition to industry standard ingredients. We felt the sauce was better on food than straight up from the bottle.
Heat aka “Numb Bum”
Surprisingly, this hot sauce had a little kick to it and teased us switching back and forth between fruit and fire. We had no trouble at all digesting this hot sauce hours and a day later.
Salamander Strawberry
Bill Moore reviews Salamander Strawberry thought Salamander Sauce Company’s Strawberry Hot Sauce was good and if you enjoy a fruit based sauce, you may too. What really surprised us were all the different foods that paired well with the sauce. While it was just OK on pizza, we loved it as a substitute for grape jelly on our peanut butter sandwich. We tried it on our morning bagel with cream cheese—Outstanding. We also followed a highly recommended ice cream suggestion. We drizzled the sauce on an original Klondike ice cream bar and were amazed at how the ice cream and strawberry sauce accented each other. This sauce would probably work well in almost any instance where recipes call for a fruit topping or fruit additive in a recipe.
I first tried it on Vanilla Ice Cream with a fresh mint leaf. Wow! It actually changed the entire delivery of the dessert for the better. It gave a perky, spicy element to the ice cream, yet the coldness of the vanilla dessert, took the edge off the heat. Amazing.
My second dessert was a bowl of ripe watermelon which I squeezed fresh lemon on and a dot of sauce on each cube. With a fresh mint leaf, this was perhaps one of the most elegant desserts I ever tried and I could absolutely see this being served in Martini glasses at a cocktail party. This set the bar higher still.
“This sauce is HOT but it isn't out to prove a point. The sauce is amazingly fresh and pops in a way that puts other sauces to shame.”